Full Moon in Gemini, on December 19

Bu yazı Astrolog Nursel Çetinkaya tarafından yazılmıştır.
Moon phases are one of the most important factors affecting our personality and feelings in our charts.

Since there is a Full Moon in Gemini at 27° on 19 December, let’s have a look at the Full Moon phase.

The Full Moon occurs about once a month. The Full Moon is the opposition of the Sun and the Moon at 180°; that is, the Sun and the Moon are at the same degree of the opposite signs in the Full Moon phase. This means that the Moon is at 27° in Gemini while the Sun is at 27° in Sagittarius during the Full Moon on 19th Dec. 

Regarding the astronomical facts, the Earth is positioned between the Moon and the Sun. The side of the Moon facing the Earth is completely sunlit, so we can see the Moon as a circular, fully illuminated  disk in the Full Moon phase.

The lunar cycle that began with the New Moon has now reached its climax with the Full Moon. The Moon, growing larger or waxing from the New Moon on, is at its biggest and brighest phase during the Full Moon. Following this phase, the Moon starts waning or getting smaller until it becomes the New Moon again and starts a new cycle.

The beginnings and the fresh starts initiated in the New Moon are released and reflected in the Full Moon. Just like the Full Moon is the climax of a lunar cycle, our feelings are now at their peak. Similar to the opposition between the Sun and the Moon, our inner masculine and feminine energies and our mind and feelings are at opposite sides. With this polarity, it is normal that there is a rise in rage, aggression and imbalance during the Full Moon.

Under the influence of the Full Moon, we might feel compelled to make a decision, or we may suffer from tension in social and personal relationships. However, the Full Moon may exert a positive influence on us in some ways. This period might be a good time to finish projects and display the works that have been completed.

The Full Moon on 19th Dec is accompanied with Venus, getting ready to start its retrograde journey, and Chiron, getting ready to emerge from its retrograde journey. While this may refer to subtle energies, it might be advised to slow down, think before acting and keep calm.

Considering that the Full Moon aligns with the fixed star Polaris, the Full Moon has the qualities of a guide and pathfinder. Polaris, also called “The North Star”, stays fixed, always shows north and helps us find our way. So, if we carefully consider what we have been going through in this period, maybe we can find the way to reach our goals; it is as if the sky is whispering this in our ears.

All in all, those who live in the moment and don’t get lost, and those who listen to their inner voice and find their way will be the winners of the Full Moon.

With the positive aspects and the strengths in our charts, I hope the Full Moon will bring about peace to all of us.